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Med. U.P.B ; 43(1): 75-83, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1531510


El trauma es la principal causa de muerte de la población en edad productiva. El abordaje del trauma torácico cerrado todavía es un desafío para el médico de urgencias. Aunque no es una entidad frecuente, se asocia con una alta mortalidad y resultados adversos. El diagnóstico del trauma cerrado de aorta torácica (LCAT) requiere un alto índice de sospecha, dado que los signos y síntomas no son específicos de esta enfermedad (dolor torácico, dolor interescapular, disnea, disfagia, estridor, disfonía). Es importante resaltar que la ausencia de inestabilidad hemodinámica no debe descartar una lesión aórtica. Para su diagnóstico imagenológico se debe tener en cuenta que los rayos X de tórax no tienen el rendimiento adecuado, el patrón de referencia es la angiotomografía y el ecocardiograma transesofágico (ETE) constituye una opción diagnóstica. El manejo incluye líquidos endovenosos y antihipertensivos como medida transitoria, manejo quirúrgico definitivo y, en algunos casos, manejo expectante o diferido. Los pacientes inestables o con signos de ruptura inminente deben ser llevados de manera inmediata a cirugía. El manejo quirúrgico temprano ha impactado en la mortalidad. A pesar de los avances en las técnicas quirúrgicas, la técnica quirúrgica abierta documenta mayor tasa de mortalidad que el manejo endovascular, el cual tiene numerosas ventajas al ser poco invasivo. Esta es una revisión narrativa que destaca algunos aspectos clave sobre los mecanismos de lesión, diagnóstico y manejo inicial del trauma cerrado aorta torácica. Por último, se propone un algoritmo de abordaje de trauma de aorta.

Trauma is the leading cause of death in the productive-age population. Addressing blunt chest trauma is still a challenge for the emergency physician. Although it is not a common entity, it is associated with high mortality and adverse outcomes. The diagnosis of blunt thoracic aortic trauma (LCAT) requires a high index of suspicion, given that the signs and symptoms are not specific to this disease (chest pain, interscapular pain, dyspnea, dysphagia, stridor, dysphonia). It is important to highlight that the absence of hemodynamic instability should not rule out aortic injury. For its imaging diagnosis, it must be taken into account that chest X-rays do not have adequate performance; the reference standard is angiotomography and transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is a diagnostic option. Management includes intravenous fluids and antihypertensives as a temporary measure, definitive surgical management and, in some cases, expectant or deferred management. Unstable patients or patients with signs of imminent ruptura should be taken immediately to surgery. Early surgical management has impacted mortality. Despite advances in surgical techniques, the open surgical technique documents a higher mortality rate than endovascular management, which has numerous advantages as it is minimally invasive. This is a narrative review that highlights some key aspects about the mechanisms of injury, diagnosis and initial management of blunt thoracic aortic trauma. Finally, an algorithm for addressing aortic trauma is proposed.

O trauma é a principal causa de morte na população em idade produtiva. Abordar o trauma torácico contuso ainda é um desafio para o médico emergencista. Embora não seja uma entidade comum, está associada a alta mortalidade e resultados adversos. O diagnóstico de trauma fechado de aorta torácica (TACE) requer alto índice de suspeição, visto que os sinais e sintomas não são específicos desta doença (dor torácica, dor interescapular, dispneia, disfagia, estridor, disfonia). É importante ressaltar que a ausência de instabilidade hemodinâmica não deve descartar lesão aórtica. Para seu diagnóstico por imagem deve-se levar em consideração que a radiografia de tórax não apresenta desempenho adequado; o padrão de referência é a angiotomografia e a ecocardiografia transesofágica (ETE) é uma opção diagnóstica. O manejo inclui fluidos intravenosos e anti-hipertensivos como medida temporária, manejo cirúrgico definitivo e, em alguns casos, manejo expectante ou diferido. Pacientes instáveis ou com sinais de ruptura iminente devem ser encaminhados imediatamente para cirurgia. O manejo cirúrgico precoce impactou a mortalidade. Apesar dos avanços nas técnicas cirúrgicas, a técnica cirúrgica aberta documenta maior taxa de mortalidade do que o manejo endovascular, que apresenta inúmeras vantagens por ser minimamente invasivo. Esta é uma revisão narrativa que destaca alguns aspectos-chave sobre os mecanismos de lesão, diagnóstico e manejo inicial do trauma contuso da aorta torácica. Finalmente, é proposto um algoritmo para tratar o trauma aórtico.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(1): 148-154, 20240102. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526866


Introducción. La incidencia reportada de traumatismo cardíaco es baja y su grado de resolución es variable, dependiendo de la causa, el mecanismo de la lesión, el lugar donde ocurra y las características del sistema sanitario. Su incidencia ha aumentado recientemente debido al incremento de los accidentes de tránsito y la violencia, predominando los traumatismos penetrantes asociados a heridas por armas cortopunzantes y de fuego. Los traumatismos cardíacos se acompañan de un alto grado de letalidad. Caso clínico. Mujer de 35 años que consultó a emergencia por trauma torácico penetrante ocasionado por arma blanca y fue intervenida de urgencia por derrame pleural izquierdo, sin mejoría hemodinámica. Fue reevaluada detectándose derrame pericárdico con taponamiento cardíaco, ocasionado por lesión cardíaca. Fue tratada quirúrgicamente con resultados satisfactorios. Resultados. Las manifestaciones clínicas en los traumatismos penetrantes generalmente son graves y fatales, pero en algunos casos puede no comprometer tanto la hemodinamia del paciente. Para consolidar el diagnóstico clínico pueden realizarse variados estudios, siendo la ecografía FAST extendida uno de los más recomendados por su elevada sensibilidad y especificidad. Dependiendo del adelanto tecnológico del centro hospitalario y la estabilidad hemodinámica del paciente, el tratamiento quirúrgico es el más indicado. Conclusión. El conocimiento del trauma cardíaco penetrante resulta de gran importancia, no solo para el médico del servicio de emergencia sino también para el médico general. Un diagnóstico rápido y acertado, unido a un manejo adecuado, pueden ser decisivos para salvar la vida del paciente.

Introduction. The reported incidence of cardiac trauma is low and its degree of resolution is variable depending on the cause, the mechanism of injury, the place where it occurs and the characteristics of the health care system. Their incidence has currently increased due to the increase in traffic accidents and violence, with a predominance of penetrating trauma associated with stab wounds and firearms. Cardiac trauma is accompanied by a high degree of lethality. Clinical case. A 35-year-old female patient, evaluated in the emergency room for penetrating thoracic trauma caused by stab wound. She underwent emergency intervention due to left pleural effusion, but without hemodynamic improvement. She was reevaluated and pericardial effusion with cardiac tamponade caused by cardiac injury was detected. She was treated surgically with satisfactory results. Results.The clinical manifestations generally described in penetrating cardiac trauma are severe and fatal, but in some cases and due to the characteristics of the injury caused, the patient's hemodynamics may not be so compromised. To consolidate the clinical diagnosis, several complementary studies can be performed, with FAST ultrasound being one of the most recommended due to its high sensitivity and specificity. Surgical treatment is still the most indicated, depending on the technological progress of the hospital and the hemodynamic stability of the patient. Conclusions.Knowledge of penetrating cardiac trauma is of great importance, not only for the emergency department physician but also for the general practitioner. A quick and accurate diagnosis, together with adequate management can be decisive in saving the patient's life.

Humans , Wounds, Penetrating , Cardiac Tamponade , Thoracic Surgery , Wounds and Injuries , Heart Injuries
Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 37: eAPE00082, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1533319


Resumo Objetivo Avaliar a efetividade de um protocolo de Reiki nos níveis de ansiedade no período pré-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca. Métodos Ensaio clínico controlado e randomizado realizado em um hospital universitário de referência em cardiologia entre junho e dezembro de 2021. Foi realizada randomização em bloco e alocação por sorteio com envelopes selados opacos em dois grupos: Controle (n=44; não submetido a intervenção) e Intervenção (n=44; submetido a duas sessões de Reiki três dias antes e na véspera da cirurgia). Os desfechos principais (ansiedade, bem-estar e tensão muscular) foram avaliados ao longo das sessões usando um modelo de efeitos mistos. Para avaliar o tamanho do efeito foram calculados os valores parciais de eta quadrado (η2p). Resultados Foram determinadas as diferenças nos escores de ansiedade (+2,7 pontos a mais para o controle), bem-estar (-0,78) e tensão muscular (1,27), sendo consideradas estatisticamente significativas (p<0,001). Na análise do tamanho do efeito, o experimento distinguiu melhor a variação na variável ansiedade (η2p=0,74) que nas outras duas variáveis (η2p=0,14; η2p=0,23). Conclusão O estudo oferece evidência favorável para efetividade do Reiki no controle da ansiedade pré-operatória de cirurgia cardíaca.

Resumen Objetivo Evaluar la efectividad de un protocolo de reiki en los niveles de ansiedad en el período preoperatorio de cirugías cardíacas. Métodos Ensayo clínico controlado y aleatorizado, realizado en un hospital universitario de referencia en cardiología entre junio y diciembre de 2021. La aleatorización se realizó por bloques y la asignación por sorteo con sobres cerrados opacos en dos grupos: Control (n=44, sin intervención) y Experimental (n=44, sometidos a dos sesiones de reiki, una tres días antes y otra en la víspera de la cirugía). Los criterios de valoración principales (ansiedad, bienestar y tensión muscular) fueron evaluados a lo largo de las sesiones, mediante un modelo de efectos mixtos. Para evaluar el tamaño del efecto se calcularon los valores parciales de eta cuadrado (η2p). Resultados Se observaron diferencias en la puntuación de ansiedad (+2,7 puntos más en el grupo de control), bienestar (-0,78) y tensión muscular (1,27), consideradas estadísticamente significativas (p<0,001). En el análisis del tamaño del efecto, el estudio percibió mejor la variación en la variable ansiedad (η2p=0,74) que en las otras dos variables (η2p=0,14; η2p=0,23). Cirugía El estudio ofrece evidencias favorables para la efectividad del reiki en el control de la ansiedad preoperatoria de cirugías cardíacas. Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clínicos: RBR-2nhgvn6

Abstract Objective To assess the effectiveness of a Reiki protocol on anxiety levels in the preoperative period of cardiac surgery. Methods This is a controlled and randomized clinical trial carried out in a university reference hospital in cardiology between June and December 2021. Chunk randomization and allocation by draw with opaque sealed envelopes were carried out in two groups: Control (n=44; not subjected to intervention); and Intervention (n=44; submitted to two Reiki sessions three days before and the day before surgery). The main outcomes (anxiety, well-being and muscle tension) were assessed across sessions using a mixed effects model. To assess the effect size, partial eta squared (η2p) values were calculated. Results Differences in anxiety scores (+2.7 points more than the control), well-being (-0.78) and muscle tension (1.27) were determined, being considered statistically significant (p<0.001). In analyzing the effect size, the experiment better distinguished the variation in the anxiety variable (η2p=0.74) than in the other two variables (η2p=0.14; η2p=0.23). Conclusion The study offers favorable evidence for the effectiveness of Reiki in controlling preoperative anxiety after cardiac surgery. Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry: RBR-2nhgvn6

Arq. bras. cardiol ; 121(2): e20230350, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533740


Resumo Fundamento: Pouco explorada na decisão de extubação no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca, a complacência pulmonar estática seriamente afetada no procedimento cirúrgico pode levar à insuficiência respiratória e à falha na extubação. Objetivo: Avaliar a complacência pulmonar estática no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca e relacionar sua possível redução aos casos de falha na extubação dos pacientes submetidos ao método fast-track de extubação. Métodos: Foram incluídos pacientes que realizaram cirurgia cardíaca com uso de circulação extracorpórea (CEC) em um hospital universitário estadual admitidos na UTI sob sedação e bloqueio residual. Tiveram sua complacência pulmonar estática avaliada no ventilador mecânico por meio do software que utiliza o least squares fitting (LSF) para a medição. No período de 48 horas após a extubação os pacientes foram observados respeito à necessidade de reintubação por insuficiência respiratória. O nível de significância adotado para os testes estatísticos foi de 5%, ou seja, p<0,05. Resultados: Obtiveram sucesso na extubação 77 pacientes (75,49%) e falharam 25 (24,51%). Os pacientes que falharam na extubação tiveram a complacência pulmonar estática mais baixa quando comparados aos que tiveram sucesso (p<0,001). Identificamos o ponto de corte para complacência por meio da análise da curva Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (ROC) sendo o ponto de corte o valor da complacência <41ml/cmH2O associado com maior probabilidade de falha na extubação (p<0,001). Na análise de regressão múltipla, verificou-se a influência da complacência pulmonar (dividida pelo ponto de corte da curva ROC) com risco de falha 9,1 vezes maior para pacientes com complacência <41ml/cmH2O (p< 0,003). Conclusões: A complacência pulmonar estática <41ml/cmH2O é um fator que compromete o sucesso da extubação no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca.

Abstract Background: Static lung compliance, which is seriously affected during surgery, can lead to respiratory failure and extubation failure, which is little explored in the decision to extubate after cardiac surgery. Objective: To evaluate static lung compliance in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery and relate its possible reduction to cases of extubation failure in patients submitted to the fast-track method of extubation. Methods: Patients undergoing cardiac surgery using cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) at a state university hospital admitted to the ICU under sedation and residual block were included. Their static lung compliance was assessed on the mechanical ventilator using software that uses least squares fitting (LSF) for measurement. Within 48 hours of extubation, the patients were observed for the need for reintubation due to respiratory failure. The level of significance adopted for the statistical tests was 5%, i.e., p<0.05. Results: 77 patients (75.49%) achieved successful extubation and 25 (24.51%) failed extubation. Patients who failed extubation had lower static lung compliance compared to those who succeeded (p<0.001). We identified the cut-off point for compliance through analysis of the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (ROC), with the cut-off point being compliance <41ml/cmH2O associated with a higher probability of extubation failure (p<0.001). In the multiple regression analysis, the influence of lung compliance (divided by the ROC curve cut-off point) was found to be 9.1 times greater for patients with compliance <41ml/cmH2O (p< 0.003). Conclusions: Static lung compliance <41ml/cmH2O is a factor that compromises the success of extubation in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery.

Clinics ; 79: 100338, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534248


Abstract Introduction Almost 20 % of patients with Non-Seminomatous Germinative Cell Tumors (NSGCT) will require intrathoracic metastasectomy after chemotherapy. The authors aim to determine their long-term survival rates. Methods Retrospective study including patients with NSGCT and intrathoracic metastasis after systemic therapy from January 2011 to June 2022. Treatment outcomes and overall survival were analyzed with the Kaplan-Meier method. Results Thirty-seven male patients were included with a median age of 31.8 years. Six presented with synchronous mediastinum and lung metastasis, nine had only lung, and 22 had mediastinal metastasis. Over half had retroperitoneal lymph node metastasis. Twenty-two had dissimilar pathologies, with a discordance rate of 62 %. Teratoma and embryonal carcinoma were the prevalent primary tumor types, 40.5 % each, while teratoma was predominant (70.3 %) in the metastasis group. Thoracotomy was the main surgical approach (39.2 %) followed by VATS (37.2 %), cervico-sternotomy (9.8 %), sternotomy (5.8 %), and clamshell (3.9 %). Lung resection was performed in 40.5 % of cases. Overall, 10-year survival rates were 94.3 % with no surgical-related mortality. Conclusion Multimodality treatment with systemic therapy followed by radical surgery offers a high cure rate to patients with intrathoracic metastatic testicular germ cell tumors.

Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; 39(1): e20200465, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535533


ABSTRACT Cannulation strategies in aortic arch surgeries are a matter of immense discussion. Majority of time deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA) is the way out, but it does come with its set of demerits. Here we demonstrate a case with aortic arch dissection dealt with dual cannulation strategy in axillary and femoral artery without need for DHCA and ensuring complete neuroprotection of brain and spinal cord without hinderance of time factor. Inception of new ideas like this may decrease the need for DHCA and hence its drawbacks, thus decreasing the morbidity and mortality associated.

Chinese Journal of Clinical Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery ; (12): 105-110, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006518


@#Objective    To explore the safety and feasibility of uni-portal video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) for the treatment of bronchopulmonary sequestration (BPS). Methods    The clinical data of BPS patients with surgical resection in Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital from February 2010 to June 2021 were reviewed. The patients were divided into a VATS group and a thoracotomy group according to the operation method. The operation time, intraoperative blood loss, hospital stay and postoperative complication rate were compared between the two groups. The VATS group was subdivided into a uni-portal VATS group and a multi-portal VATS group for subgroup analysis. Results    Finally 131 patients were enrolled, including 62 males and 69 females with an average age of 39.3±13.2 years. There were 103 patients in the VATS group and 28 patients in the thoracotomy group. A total of 104 patients were diagnosed with left lower BPS, 26 with right lower BPS and 1 with bilateral lower BPS. The main symptom was cough (88 patients, 67.2%). There were 119 patients diagnosed by thoracic enhanced CT before operation. Compared with the thoracotomy group, the operation time was not statistically different (P=0.717), but the blood loss was less, the rate of postoperative complication was lower and hospital stay was shorter in the VATS group (P<0.05). The rate of conversion to open surgery in the uni-portal VATS group and multi-portal VATS group was 11.8% and 13.5%, respectively. Meanwhile, patients in the uni-portal VATS group had shorter operation time and postoperative hospital stay, less blood loss and lower postoperative complication rate than those in the multi-portal VATS group (P<0.05). Conclusion     In order to improve the rate of diagnosis, the lung enhanced CT scan should be selected as an optimal noninvasive method in adult suspected patients (especially those with solid cystic and solid lesions in the lower lobe). Uni-portal VATS is a safe and feasible method for BPS which can be widely promoted.

Rev. chil. cardiol ; 42(3)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529983


Antecedentes: El autoinjerto de válvula pulmonar (VP) u operación de Ross (OpR) tiene excelentes resultados a largo plazo. Es superior a otros tipos de reemplazo valvular en jóvenes adultos, aunque no el estándar de primera línea. Un tiempo quirúrgico prolongado o alta morbimortalidad son importantes preocupaciones. Objetivos: Establecer la morbimortalidad asociada a la OpR por un período >10 años, considerando el tiempo quirúrgico, tasa de reoperación y supervivencia global (SG). Métodos: Cohorte prospectiva (1996-2012), en seguimiento hasta agosto-2023. La SG fue estimada desde la OpR hasta la última consulta o deceso. Mediante regresión de Cox (Hazard Ratio, HR) se estimaron factores asociados a la SG. Resultados: La serie consta de 161 pacientes: 118 de etiología congénita (73.3%), 17 infecciosa (10.6%), 26 reumática (16.1%). La lesión fue estenótica en 79 (49.1%), insuficiencia en 40 (24.8%), mixta en 42 (26.1%). La OpR fue urgente en 11 (6.8%). The median time of ECC and the operation was 149 y 232 minutos, respectivamente. Veintisiete pacientes requirieron reoperación (16.8%). Con una mediana de 19.7 años (17.2-22.2), 23 pacientes fallecieron (14.3%): 1/23 asociado a OpR, 17/23 por causa cardiovascular y 5/23 por causas no cardiovasculares. La lesión mixta se asoció a mayor mortalidad (HR 3.07; IC 95% 1.11-8.47; p=.029). Conclusiones: La OpR es un procedimiento con baja morbimortalidad. La lesión mixta es un factor de riesgo independiente de mayor mortalidad. Sin embargo, la mediana de tiempo de CEC y quirúrgico es prolongado frente a otras técnicas de reemplazo valvular.

Background: Pulmonary valve (PV) autograftor reoperation or Ross surgery (RS), presents excellent long-term results. It is superior to other types of PV replacement in young adults, although it is not the first-line gold standard. A longer operative time or high morbidity and mortality rates are important concerns. Aim: To establish the morbidity and mortality associated with RS for >10 years, considering operative time, reoperation rate and overall survival (OS). Methods: Prospective cohort (1996-2012), with a follow-up until August/2023. The OS was estimated from RS to the last consultation/death. Factors associated to OS were estimated using Cox regression (Hazard Ratio, HR) Results: 161 patients were included: the etiology was congenital (118, 73%), infectious (17, 10.6%), and rheumatic (26,16.1%). The lesion was stenotic in 79 (49.1%), heart failure in 40 (24.8%), mixed in 42 (26.1%). RS was urgent in 11 (6.8%). Extracorporeal circulation (ECC) and operative times were 149 and 232 minutes, respectively. Twenty-seven patients required reoperation (16.8%). With a median follow up of 19.7 years (17.2-22.2), 23 patients died (14.3%): 1/23 associated with RS, 17/23 due to cardiovascular causes, and 5/23 due to non-cardiovascular causes. Mixed injury was associated with higher mortality (HR 3.07; 95% CI 1.11-8.47; p=.029). Conclusions: RS is a procedure with low morbidity and mortality. Mixed injury is an independent risk factor for increased mortality. However, the median ECC and operative times were higher compared to other valvular replacement techniques.

Rev. méd. Urug ; 39(4)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530275


Objetivo: presentar la utilización de la guía ecográfica en el tórax para realizar biopsias y colocación de drenajes, ya sean pleurales o pericárdicos. Material y método: se realizaron 124 procedimientos ecoguiados en el Instituto del Tórax del Hospital Maciel, desde enero de 2014 hasta agosto de 2022. Resultados: se evaluaron franja etaria, tipo de procedimiento y rentabilidad diagnóstica en los procedimientos ecoguiados. Se realizaron 69 punciones con fines diagnósticos, 48 colocaciones de drenajes pleurales bajo apoyo ecográfico y 7 drenajes pericárdicos. Conclusión: la realización de procedimientos ecoguiados en el tórax es una herramienta diagnóstica y terapéutica segura, con buen rendimiento y mínimas complicaciones.

Objective: To present the use of ultrasound guidance to perform thorax biopsies and place drainages, whether pleural or pericardial. Method: A total of 124 ultrasound-guided procedures were performed at the Thoracic Institute, Maciel Hospital, from January 2014 to August 2022. Results: The results were assessed based on age group, type of procedure, and diagnostic yield in the ultrasound-guided procedures. There were 69 diagnostic punctures, 48 ultrasound-guided pleural drainage placements, and 7 pericardial drainages. Conclusions: The performance of ultrasound-guided thoracic procedures are a safe diagnostic and therapeutic tool with excellent efficacy and minimal complications.

Objetivo: fica no tórax para realização de biópsias e colocação de drenos pleurais ou pericárdicos. Materiais e métodos: foram realizados 124 procedimentos guiados por ultrassom no Instituto del Tórax do Hospital Maciel no período de janeiro de 2014 a agosto de 2022. Resultados: foram avaliadas faixa etária, tipo de procedimento e rentabilidade diagnóstica em procedimentos guiados por ultrassom. Foram realizadas 69 punções para fins diagnósticos, 48 colocações de drenos pleurais sob suporte ultrassonográfico e 7 drenos pericárdicos. Conclusão: a realização de procedimentos guiados por ultrassom no tórax é uma ferramenta diagnóstica e terapêutica segura, com bom desempenho e complicações mínimas.

Int. j. morphol ; 41(6): 1640-1647, dic. 2023. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528787


SUMMARY: Although megaherbivores do not belong to the Brazilian fauna, they can be found in national zoos, which makes it important to know the anatomy of the locomotor apparatus to contribute to the clinical routine of zoos and veterinary rehabilitation centers. Thus, the aim of this study was to describe the anatomical structures of the thoracic limb bones in the common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) and white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) and to compare them with the bone structures described for other ungulates. The scapula had a triangular appearance in the common hippopotamus, whereas in the white rhinoceros it had a rectangular appearance. The acromion was observed only in the common hippopotamus scapula. The hippopotamus humerus did not have the intermediate tubercle, only the greater and lesser tubercles, unlike the rhinoceros which also has the intermediate tubercle. The two megamammals studied had an ulna not incorporated to the radius and seven carpal bones distributed in two bone rows. The common hippopotamus had four digits and four metacarpal bones, while the white rhino had three digits, hence three metacarpal bones. Although with some species-specific differences, the bone anatomy found in the studied megaherbivores was similar to that described for domestic ungulates, such as horses and cattle. The fact that the bones studied belong to articulated skeletons of the collection of the Museum of Anatomy made it difficult to identify some anatomical structures. This study can help veterinarians in bone health care, animal welfare and comfort of such species present in Brazilian zoological parks.

Aunque los megaherbívoros no pertenecen a la fauna brasileña, se pueden encontrar en zoológicos nacionales, lo que hace importante conocer la anatomía del aparato locomotor para contribuir a la rutina clínica de los zoológicos y de los centros de rehabilitación veterinaria. Por tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue describir las estructuras anatómicas de los huesos de los miembros torácicos en el hipopótamo común (Hippopotamus amphibius) y el rinoceronte blanco (Ceratotherium simum) y compararlas con las estructuras óseas descritas para otros ungulados. La escápula tenía una apariencia triangular en el hipopótamo común, mientras que en el rinoceronte blanco tenía una apariencia rectangular. El acromion se observó sólo en la escápula del hipopótamo común. El húmero del hipopótamo no tenía el tubérculo intermedio, sólo los tubérculos mayor y menor, a diferencia del rinoceronte que también tiene el tubérculo intermedio. Los dos ejemplares de megamamíferos estudiados tenían una ulna no incorporada al radio y siete huesos del carpo distribuidos en dos filas óseas. En el hipopótamo común se observaron cuatro dedos y cuatro huesos metacarpianos, mientras que en el rinoceronte blanco se encontraron tres dedos, por lo tanto, tres huesos metacarpianos.A pesar de algunas diferencias específicas de cada especie, la anatomía ósea encontrada en los megaherbívoros estudiados fue similar a la descrita para los ungulados domésticos, tal como los caballos y el ganado. El hecho de que los huesos estudiados pertenezcan a esqueletos articulados de la colección del Museo de Anatomía dificultó la identificación de algunas estructuras anatómicas. Este estudio puede ayudar a los veterinarios en el cuidado de la salud ósea, el bienestar animal y el confort de las especies presentes en los parques zoológicos brasileños.

Animals , Perissodactyla/anatomy & histology , Artiodactyla/anatomy & histology , Upper Extremity/anatomy & histology , Osteology
Rev. cuba. cir ; 62(4)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1550845


Introducción: La colocación de sondas pleurales es un procedimiento quirúrgico frecuente que puede tener graves complicaciones, las cuales dependen en la mayoría de los casos de la experiencia del operador, el tamaño del tubo y el uso de imágenes para guiar la inserción. Objetivo: Describir las principales lesiones esplácnicas provocadas durante la inserción de sondas pleurales y presentar algoritmos para el diagnóstico precoz y el tratamiento oportuno de estas iatrogenias. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión descriptiva narrativa durante el primer trimestre del año 2023. Se utilizaron las bases de datos electrónicas PubMed, LILACS, EBSCO y Cochrane. Se revisaron artículos publicados desde 1984 hasta el 2022. Se procuró que la mayoría de la información se enmarcara en un período no mayor de 10 años de antigüedad. Desarrollo: De las lesiones esplácnicas de la cavidad torácica, la de pulmón es la más frecuente y puede conducir a sangrado o fuga aérea persistente. Las lesiones vasculares son graves y pueden provocar la muerte si no se toman las medidas pertinentes. Se han descrito lesiones de órganos huecos de la cavidad abdominal que suelen ser parte de una hernia diafragmática. Dentro de las lesiones esplácnicas en el abdomen más frecuentes están la hepática y la esplénica. Conclusiones: Estas lesiones son prevenibles y se debe tener en cuenta su mecanismo de producción para evitarlas. Para este fin recomendamos una selección cuidadosa del sitio de inserción, realizar una confirmación adecuada de la posición de la sonda, manipularla cuidadosamente y monitorear constantemente al paciente(AU)

Introduction: Chest tube insertion is a frequent surgical procedure that can have serious complications, which depend mostly on the practitioner's experience, the tube's size and the use of imaging to guide the insertion. Objective: To describe the main splanchnic injuries caused during chest tube insertion, as well as to present algorithms for early diagnosis and timely treatment of these types of iatrogeny. Methods: A descriptive narrative review was performed during the first quarter of the year 2023. The electronic databases PubMed, LILACS, EBSCO and Cochrane were used. Articles published from 1984 to 2022 were reviewed. Most of the information was secured to be framed within a period of no more than 10 years. Development: Among the splanchnic injuries within the thoracic cavity, lung injury is the most frequent and may lead to bleeding or persistent air leak. Vascular injuries are severe and can lead to death if appropriate measures are not taken. Injuries to hollow organs of the abdominal cavity have been described to be usually part of a diaphragmatic hernia. Among the most frequent splanchnic lesions within the abdomen are the hepatic and splenic injuries. Conclusions: These lesions are preventable and their mechanism of production should be taken into account in order to avoid them. To achieve this, we recommend that the insertion site be carefully selected and that the tube's position be adequately confirmed, as well as the careful handling of the tube and the constant monitoring of the patient(AU)

Humans , Chest Tubes/adverse effects , Thoracic Cavity/injuries , Review Literature as Topic , Databases, Bibliographic
Rev. argent. cardiol ; 91(4): 290-297, nov. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535507


RESUMEN Introducción: Los protocolos de diagnóstico acelerado de dolor torácico, con el avance de la troponina de alta sensibilidad, permiten identificar a los pacientes que ingresan al servicio de urgencias con dolor torácico de bajo riesgo para un evento cardiovascular adverso mayor, que podrían ser dados de alta de forma temprana y segura, con ahorro de tiempo y recursos. Objetivo: Evaluar ensayos clínicos que utilicen protocolos de diagnóstico acelerado basados en troponina de alta sensibilidad. Material y métodos: se realizó una búsqueda de ensayos clínicos aleatorizados que evaluaran protocolos de diagnóstico acelerado basados en troponina de alta sensibilidad en los servicios de urgencias, en las bases de datos MEDLINE/Ovid, Cochrane y EMBASE utilizando los criterios de evaluación del manual Cochrane y la estrategia PRISMA Resultados: Tras una tamización de 3509 estudios se incluyeron 5 ensayos clínicos que incluyeron 1513 pacientes; se identificaron 409 (27%) altas tempranas, el 91% para el protocolo 0/3 h ESC, 72% para el 0/1 h, 48% para el EDACS, 40% para el HEART, 19 y 32% para ADAPT y 8 y 18% para el cuidado usual. El valor predictivo negativo fue alto, en un rango de 99,1 al 100% La duración media de la estancia hospitalaria fue más baja para los protocolos 0/1 h y 0/3 h ESC, con 4,6 y 5,6 horas respectivamente. Conclusiones: Los protocolos de diagnóstico acelerado en dolor torácico que implementan el uso de troponina de alta sensibilidad permiten lograr alta proporción de altas tempranas con baja tasa de eventos cardiovasculares mayores, con disminución del tiempo de estancia y recursos consumidos.

ABSTRACT Background: Accelerated diagnostic protocols for chest pain, with the advancement of high-sensitivity troponin, make it possible to identify patients admitted to the emergency department with chest pain and low risk for a major adverse cardiovascular event, who could be discharged immediately, early and safely, saving time and resources. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess clinical trials using accelerated diagnostic protocols based on high-sensitivity troponin. Methods: A search of randomized clinical trials evaluating accelerated diagnostic protocols based on high-sensitivity troponin in emergency services was carried out in MEDLINE/Ovid, Cochrane and EMBASE database, using the assessment criteria of the Cochrane manual and the PRISMA strategy. Results: After screening 3509 studies, 5 clinical trials, including 1513 patients, were analyzed. Early discharges were identified in 409 (27%) of patients, in 91% of cases for ESC 0/3-h protocols, 72% for 0/1-h, 48% for EDACS, 40% for HEART, 19% and 32% for ADAPT and 8% and 18% for standard care protocols. The negative predictive value was high, in the 99.1-100% range. Mean length of hospital stay was lower for the 0/1-h and ESC 0/3-h protocols, with 4.6 and 5.6 hours, respectively. Conclusions: Accelerated diagnostic protocols in chest pain using high-sensitivity troponin allow a higher proportion of early discharges with a low rate of major cardiovascular events, with reduction in length of hospital stay and resources used.

Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 75(5)oct. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530068


Introducción: El neumotórax oculto (NTXO) se encuentra hasta en el 15% de los traumatismos torácicos. Existen antecedentes del manejo conservador de esta patología (sólo observación), aunque su práctica continúa siendo discutida, especialmente, en traumatismos penetrantes. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir nuestra experiencia en el manejo conservador del NTXO. Materiales y Método: Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo realizado durante un período de 3 años en un Hospital de Trauma nivel I. Se incluyeron pacientes con traumatismo torácico (cerrado o penetrante) con NTXO. Se dividieron en dos grupos (conservados o drenados), realizándose una comparación de su evolución. Resultados: En 3 años fueron admitidos con traumatismo torácico 679 pacientes. De 93 pacientes con NTXO, 74 (80%) fueron conservados inicialmente y 19 (20%) tratados con drenaje pleural. Dos (3%) presentaron progresión del neumotórax en el seguimiento radiológico (conservación fallida). No se registraron complicaciones relacionadas con la ausencia de drenaje pleural. Las complicaciones y estancia hospitalaria fueron menores en el grupo de manejo conservador. Conclusión: Pacientes con NTXO por traumatismo de tórax (cerrado o penetrante), sin requerimiento de ventilación asistida y hemodinámicamente estables, pueden manejarse de manera conservadora con un monitoreo cercano durante 24 horas en forma segura, con menor tasa de complicaciones y de estancia hospitalaria.

Background: Occult pneumothorax (OPTX) is found in up to 15% of chest injuries. There is a history of conservative management of this pathology (only observation), although its practice continues to be discussed, especially in penetrating trauma. The objective of this paper is to describe our experience in the conservative management of OPTX. Materials and Method: Retrospective cohort study conducted over a 3-year period at a level I Trauma Center. Patients with thoracic trauma (blunt or penetrating) with OPTX were included. They were divided into two groups (preserved or drained) comparing their evolution. Results: Over a 3-year period 679 patients were admitted with chest trauma. From 93 patients with OPTX, 74 (80%) were initially preserved and 19 (20%) drained. Two patients (3%) presented pneumothorax progression in the follow-up imaging. There were no complications related to the absence of pleural drainage. Complications and hospital stay were lower in the conservative management group. Conclusion: Patients with OPTX due to chest trauma (blunt or penetrating), without requiring assisted ventilation and hemodynamically stable, can be safely conservative managed with close monitoring for 24 hours, with a lower rate of complications and hospital stay.

Cambios rev. méd ; 22 (2), 2023;22(2): 832, 16 octubre 2023. ilus, tabs.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524835


INTRODUCCIÓN. La disección de aorta es una patología poco frecuente, cuando se presenta, lo hace de una manera catastrófica manifestada por dolor torácico o lumbar intenso acompañado de compromiso hemodinámico agudo, un diagnóstico y tratamiento temprano suelen ser cruciales para evitar la muerte del paciente, así mismo, una disección de aorta puede ser secundario a un trauma torácico por desaceleración y se presenta en 1,5% a 2%, lo que induce sobre todo a un desgarro localizado en la región del istmo aórtico. CASO CLÍNICO. Paciente masculino de 35 años, con antecedente de accidente en vehículo motorizado que provocó un traumatismo cráneo encefálico moderado, hematoma epidural parietal derecho, con resolución quirúrgica hace 18 meses, se descartó lesiones a nivel de tórax con radiografía de tórax normal, además se realizó ecografía FAST en ventana perihepática, suprapúbica, periesplénica y subxi-foidea sin encontrar alteración. Acudió al servicio de emergencia por un cuadro de hemiparesia derecha más disartria de 4 horas de evolución, se realiza tomografía de cráneo sin encontrarse lesión, catalogándose como evento cerebrovascular isquémico con recuperación neurológica. Durante su estancia hospitalaria presenta un cuadro de disnea de grandes esfuerzos y tras realizar exámenes complementarios de control se llega a una conclusión de una cardiomegalia, por lo que es referido a consulta de cardiología donde se realiza ecocardiograma, en la cual se observa disección de aorta ascendente más aneurisma por lo que se decide su ingreso y se instaura tratamiento mediante medidas de soporte, con derivación a hospital de especialidades para cirugía cardiotorácica. CONCLUSIONES. La disección de aorta secundario a un traumatis-mo es poco frecuente, sin embargo, el diagnostico siempre debe estar presente en caso de trauma por desaceleración, ya que es vital para la supervivencia del paciente y su manejo oportuno.

INTRODUCTION. Aortic dissection is an infrequent pathology; when it occurs, it does so in a catastrophic manner manifested by intense thoracic or lumbar pain accompanied by acute he-modynamic compromise. Early diagnosis and treatment are usually crucial to avoid the patient's death; likewise, aortic dissection can be secondary to thoracic trauma due to deceleration and occurs in 1.5% to 2%, which mainly induces a localized tear in the region of the aortic isthmus. CLINICAL CASE. 35-year-old male patient, with a history of motor vehicle accident that caused a moderate head injury, right parietal epidural hematoma, with surgical resolution 18 months ago, chest injuries were ruled out with normal chest X-ray, and FAST ultrasound was performed in perihepatic, suprapubic, perisplenic and subxiphoid window without finding any alteration. She went to the emergency department for a picture of right hemiparesis and dysarthria of 4 hours of evolution, a cranial tomography was performed without finding any lesion, being clas-sified as an ischemic cerebrovascular event with neurological recovery. During his hospital stay he presented with dyspnea of great effort and after performing complementary control tests, a cardiomegaly was found, so he is referred to a cardiology clinic where an echocardiogram is per-formed, which showed dissection of the ascending aorta plus aneurysm, admission is decided and treatment is instituted through supportive measures, with referral to a specialty hospital for cardiothoracic surgery. CONCLUSIONS. Aortic dissection secondary to trauma is rare, however, the diagnosis should always be present in case of trauma due to deceleration, as it is vital for the survival of the patient and its timely treatment.

Humans , Male , Adult , Thoracic Surgery , Wounds and Injuries , Deceleration , Traffic Trauma Care , Dissection, Thoracic Aorta , Aneurysm , Chest Pain , Accidents, Traffic , Low Back Pain , Cardiomegaly , Dyspnea , Ecuador , Brain Injuries, Traumatic
Rev. bras. ortop ; 58(5): 706-711, Sept.-Oct. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529935


Abstract Objective The purpose of the present study is to compare intraoperative blood loss, operating time, laminectomy time, hospital length of stay, and complications in thoracolumbar spinal decompression using ultrasonic bone scalpels (UBSs) with conventional procedures. Methods Forty-two patients who underwent decompressive laminectomy and pedicular screw fusion with a surgical level of 1-5 levels between February 1, 2020, and June 30, 2022, in a single institution were evaluated for eligibility, and 11 were excluded due to a history of spinal surgery (n= 3), spinal tumor (n= 3), and spinal infection (n= 5). A total of 31 patients were randomly divided into the UBS group (n =15) and the conventional group (n =16). Intraoperative blood loss, operating time, laminectomy time, hospital length of stay, and complications were recorded. Results Intraoperative blood loss and laminectomy time were significantly lower in the UBS group (656.0 ± 167.6 ml, 54.5 ± 27.4 minutes, respectively) than in the conventional group (936.9 ± 413.2 ml, 73.4 ± 28.1 minutes, respectively). Overall operation time, hospital length of stay, and complications were all similar between the groups. Conclusion The UBS is a useful instrument for procedures performed near the dura mater or other neural tissue without excessive heat or mechanical injury. This device is recommended for various spinal surgeries in addition to high-speed burrs and Kerrison rongeurs.

Resumo Objetivo O objetivo do presente estudo é comparar perda de sangue intraoperatória, tempo de operação, tempo de laminectomia, tempo de internação hospitalar e complicações na descompressão espinhal torácica utilizando bisturis ósseos ultrassônicos (BOUs) em relação aos procedimentos convencionais. Métodos Quarenta e dois pacientes submetidos a laminectomia descompressiva e fusão pedicular do parafuso com um nível cirúrgico de 1 a 5, entre 1° de fevereiro de 2020 e 30 de junho de 2022 em uma única instituição, foram avaliados para elegibilidade e 11 foram excluídos devido ao histórico de cirurgia espinhal (n= 3), tumor espinhal (n= 3) e infecção espinhal (n= 5). Perda de sangue intraoperatória, tempo de operação, tempo de laminectomia, tempo de internação e complicações foram registradas. Resultados A perda de sangue intraoperatória e o tempo de laminectomia foram significativamente menores no grupo BOU (656,0 ± 167,6 ml, 54,5 ± 27,4 min, respectivamente) do que no grupo convencional (936,9 ± 413,2 ml, 73,4 ± 28,1 min, respectivamente). O tempo de funcionamento total, o tempo de internação e as complicações foram todos semelhantes entre os grupos. Conclusão O bisturi ósseo ultrassônico é um instrumento útil para procedimentos realizados próximos à dura-máter ou outro tecido neural sem calor excessivo ou lesão mecânica. Este dispositivo é recomendado para várias cirurgias de coluna vertebral, juntamente com rebarbas de alta velocidade e pinça Kerrison.

Humans , Male , Female , Thoracic Vertebrae/diagnostic imaging , Decompression, Surgical , Laminectomy
Rev. cuba. cir ; 62(2)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530086


Introducción: En Cuba existen numerosos cirujanos que han dedicado una gran parte de su vida profesional a la cirugía del tórax no cardiovascular, pero solo ostentan el título de especialista de primer o segundo grado en cirugía general. Objetivo: Exponer los argumentos que demuestren la necesidad de crear e implementar la especialización de primer grado en cirugía torácica general o la maestría en cirugía del tórax. Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda documental a partir de los motores de búsqueda de información científica Google Académico y Highwire Press. De la Web of Science, PubMed, Lilacs y Scopus se seleccionaron 23 artículos relacionados directamente con el objetivo propuesto. Desarrollo: En 2008 el profesor Benito Saínz Menéndez publicó un artículo en el cual expuso la necesidad de crear un programa de posgrado sobre cirugía torácica general; sin embargo, después de 14 años, aún se mantiene el debate sobre este tema. En tal sentido, los reclamos de la comunidad quirúrgica cubana en la propuesta de un programa de maestría y en una tesis doctoral se han hecho sentir en varias reuniones académicas y en diversas publicaciones. La nueva solicitud se justifica desde distintas aristas. Conclusión: El desarrollo de la educación de posgrado y la necesidad de formar recursos humanos capacitados en cirugía general ha acumulado los suficientes preceptos para solicitar la cirugía torácica como una subespecialidad o la inserción de una maestría sobre este tema. Se recomienda que se evalúe la posibilidad de la creación e implementación de la especialización o maestría en cirugía de tórax no cardiovascular.

Introduction: In Cuba, there are numerous surgeons who have dedicated a large part of their professional life to noncardiovascular thoracic surgery, but they only hold the title of first- or second-degree specialist in General Surgery. Objective: To present the fundamentals demonstrating the need to create and implement the first-degree residence for general thoracic surgery or a master's degree in thoracic surgery. Methods: A document search was carried out using the scientific information search engines Google Scholar and Highwire Press. From the Web of Science, PubMed, Lilacs and Scopus, 23 articles directly related to the proposed objective were selected. Development: In 2008, Professor Benito Saínz Menéndez published an article in which he presented the need to create a postgraduate curriculum for general thoracic surgery; however, after 14 years, the debate on this subject is still ongoing. In this respect, the claims of the Cuban surgical community concerning the proposal of a master's program and a doctoral dissertation have been felt in several academic meetings, as well as in several publications. The new request is justified from different points of view. Conclusion: Through the development of postgraduate education and the need to train skilled human resources in general surgery, enough principles have been accumulated for requesting that thoracic surgery be taught as a subspecialty, or the insertion of a master's degree on this subject. The assessment is recommended for the possibility of creating and implementing a specialization or a master's degree in noncardiovascular thoracic surgery.

Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 22(1): 162-168, jun 22, 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451610


Introdução: as cirurgias cardíacas são as intervenções de escolha em níveis mais avançados das doenças cardiovasculares, e complicações pulmonares podem ocorrer como consequência das alterações fisiológicas causadas pela circulação extracorpórea, pela anestesia e pela incisão esterno torácica. A fisioterapia atua com o intuito de prevenir e tratar essas complicações, através da utilização de uma das técnicas de expansão pulmonar mais utilizadas na reversão de hipoxemia e atelectasias, a manobra de recrutamento alveolar, com o objetivo de abrir alvéolos colapsados e aumentar as trocas gasosas. Objetivo: revisar sistematicamente os efeitos da manobra, na relação PaO2/FiO2, SatO2, o tempo de ventilação mecânica, o tempo de internamento, a incidência de atelectasia, a pressão arterial média e a frequência cardíaca. Metodologia: revisão de ensaios clínicos controlados e randomizados nas bases de dados PubMed, Cochrane Library, LILACS e PEDro. Foram incluídos estudos que utilizaram a manobra como prevenção de complicações pulmonares, publicados em inglês e português. Resultados: foram incluídos 4 estudos, publicados entre os anos 2005 e 2017. O nível de pressão da manobra variou entre 30 cmH2O a 40 cmH2O. Os estudos mostraram que a manobra foi estatisticamente relevante na relação PaO2/FiO2, SatO2 e na redução da incidência de atelectasias, sem impacto no tempo de ventilação mecânica, no tempo de internamento, na pressão arterial média e na frequência cardíaca. Conclusão: a manobra de recrutamento pode ser considerada como uma técnica a ser utilizada na prevenção de alterações pulmonares, porém não é possível afirmar se os benefícios da manobra perduraram em longo prazo.

Introduction: Cardiac surgeries are the interventions of choice in more advanced levels of cardiovascular disease, and pulmonary complications can occur as a result of physiological changes caused by cardiopulmonary bypass, anaesthesia and the sternum thoracic incision. Physiotherapy acts with the aim of preventing and treating these complications, through the use of one of the most used lung expansion techniques in the reversal of hypoxemia and atelectasis, the alveolar recruitment maneuver, with the objective of opening collapsed alveoli and increasing gas exchanges. Objective: To systematically review the effects of the maneuver on the PaO2/FiO2 ratio, SatO2, duration of mechanical ventilation, length of hospitalization, incidence of atelectasis, mean arterial pressure and heart rate. Methodology: Review of controlled and randomized clinical trials in PubMed, Cochrane Library, LILACS and PEDro databases. Studies that used the maneuver to prevent pulmonary complications, published in English and Portuguese, were included. Results: 4 studies, published between 2005 and 2017, were included. The maneuver pressure level ranged from 30 cmH2O to 40 cmH2O. The studies showed that the maneuver was statistically relevant in relation to PaO2/FiO2, SatO2 and in reducing the incidence of atelectasis, with no impact on the duration of mechanical ventilation, length of hospitalization, mean arterial pressure and heart rate. Conclusion: The recruitment maneuver can be considered as a technique to be used in the prevention of pulmonary alterations; however, it is not possible to state whether the benefits of the maneuver lasted in the long term.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Thoracic Surgery , Cardiovascular Diseases , Positive-Pressure Respiration , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic
Int. j. cardiovasc. sci. (Impr.) ; 36: e20220208, jun.2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514272


Abstract Background: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) can cause permanent damage to vascular structures by directly or indirectly affecting the cardiopulmonary system. Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] is an important identified risk factor for vascular endothelial cell dysfunction. Objective: The aim of this study was to reveal the relationship between Lp(a) levels measured at the time of COVID-19 diagnosis and the pulmonary artery (PA) to the ascending aorta (Ao) ratio (PA:Ao ratio) in survivors evaluated by transthoracic echocardiography (TTE). Methods: The study sample consisted of 100 patients who recovered from COVID-19 in the past 3 to 6 months. The relationship between the change in the PA:Ao ratio (ΔPA:Ao) and the Lp(a) levels measured at the time of diagnosis was evaluated. Diameter measurements at baseline and follow-up were evaluated with TTE. Results: A significant increase was found in PA, Ao, and epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) thickness in TTE (p< 0.001 for all). There was a weak correlation between D-dimer and high-sensitivity cardiac troponin measured at the time of diagnosis and ΔPA:Ao and ΔEAT in survivors. However, a positive and strong correlation was observed between Lp(a) levels and ΔPa:Ao (r = 0.628, p< 0.001) and ΔEAT (r = 0.633, p< 0.001). Conclusion: There may be dysfunction in vascular structures due to COVID-19. For the first time in the literature, a strong correlation was shown between the Lp(a) levels measured at the time of diagnosis and ΔPA:Ao and ΔEAT values in patients with COVID-19.

Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 75(3)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515231


Objetivo: Describir resolución quirúrgica de teratoma de mediastino en dos tiempos que debuta en paciente con urgencia vital. Materiales y Métodos: Revisión de caso clínico y descripción retrospectiva del manejo quirúrgico realizado. Resultados: Estudio imagenológico evidenció tumor con contenido quístico que comprometía ambos hemitórax. Dado compromiso vital del paciente, se realiza quistocentesis descompresiva en pabellón, seguido de videotoracoscopía que demuestra origen mediastínico y quistectomía parcial por toracotomía. En un segundo tiempo quirúrgico, se reseca remanente vía esternotomía media. Discusión: Los teratomas mediastínicos son extremadamente infrecuentes, reportándose 44 casos en literatura mundial, sin registros a nivel nacional. Afecta a jóvenes sanos, la mayoría asintomáticos, siendo su hallazgo tardío e incidental. El compromiso de estructuras mediastínicas y de vía aérea pueden ocasionar riesgo vital. Conclusión: La descompresión perioperatoria del contenido quístico del teratoma fue fundamental para mantener fuera de riesgo vital al paciente durante el acto quirúrgico.

Objective: To describe the successful surgical resolution of a giant teratoma of the mediastinum that presents with a vital emergency. Clinical Case: Male patient, 30 years old, with no known history, consulted for a 1-year history of dyspnea on minimal exertion, associated with weight loss without dietary restriction. Imaging study showed tumor with cystic content that compromised both hemithorax. Given the patient's vital commitment, decompressive cystocentesis was performed, followed by video-assisted thoracoscopy that showed mediastinal origin and partial cystectomy by thoracotomy. In a second surgical time, resection of the remnant was performed via median sternotomy. Discussion: Mediastinal teratomas are extremely rare, reporting 44 cases in the world literature, with no national registry. They usually affect healthy young people, most of them asymptomatic and therefore, their discovery is late and incidental. In this case, due to the compression of noble structures, perioperative cystic decompression was essential. Conclusion: Perioperative decompression of the cystic content of the teratoma was essential to maintain stable hemodynamics and subsequent surgical resection.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220325


Introduction: Infective Endocarditis (IE) is a serious disease whose prognosis depends on early management. Aortic localization is characterized by its progression to myocardial failure and the high number of complications motivating early recourse to surgery. The diagnosis of AR is based on microbiological and imaging studies. Echocardiography is the recommended imaging modality to make the diagnosis, assess the impact and guide surgery. Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective study, including all subjects over 20 years of age who presented with infective endocarditis of the aortic valve, hospitalized between January 2019 and December 2022, in the Department of Cardiology and Vascular Diseases at the ERRAZI-CHU Mohammed VI Hospital in Marrakech. Clinical, paraclinical and therapeutic data were collected for each case using an exploitation form. Results: During the study period, 26 patients had presented with aortic positional AR, with a sex ratio that was equal to 1.8. The mean age of the patients was 43±12.5 years. A known history of valvular disease was found in 57% of the cases. Among the native valvular diseases, rheumatic origin was found in 85%. The most common valvular lesions were represented by vegetations (88%), which were mobile in 56%, measuring between 10 and 20 mm in half of the cases, their most predominant localization was on the ventricular side with a tilt.IE on severe IAo was found in 90% of cases. The most common associated valvulopathies were MI (53%), RAo (38%) and MR (34%), whose severity was variable. The association of aortic disease with mitral disease was the most frequent association. Echocardiographic complications were presented by fistulas, perforations and peri-aortic abscesses (2 cases each) which were correlated with severe AI. Regarding the impact of the aortic AR on the LV, we noted a marked dilatation in 42% of cases with a preserved ejection fraction in 74%. A quarter of our patients had undergone transesophageal echocardiography in addition to transthoracic echocardiography, with an average time between admission and completion of 3 days. The indication of its realization was posed in front of the doubt of the visualization of an image of vegetations or suspicion of complications not visualized with the TTE. Valvular lesions found on TEE were essentially vegetations in 45% of cases, prolapses in 22% of cases, as well as abscesses, para-prosthetic leaks and prosthesis deinsertion found in 11% of cases. Conclusion: Aortic AR remains a frequent pathology in our context. Aortic insufficiency is the most predisposing valvulopathy and the most common sonographic appearance is vegetations. The results of our study have shown that complications of AE occur preferentially in patients with severe aortic insufficiency.